Affiliated Institutes
Affiliated Institutes
CIE has signed cooperation agreements with 36 professional engineering institutes to bring together engineers of different disciplines to promote the interests of the engineering profession.
The 26 affiliated institutes are:
- Chinese Institute of Civil Hydraulic Engineering (CICHE)
- Taiwan Institute of Chemical Engineers (TWICHE)
- Taiwan Society of Naval Architects & Marine Engineers (SNAME (Taiwan))
- The Chinese Institute of Textile Engineers (CITE)
- Chinese Institute of Electrical Engineering (CIEE)
- Taiwan Agricultural Engineers Society (TAES)
- Chinese Society of Mechanical Engineers (CSME)
- Chinese Institute of Mining & Metallurgical Engineers (CIMME)
- Chinese Society of Survey Engineering (CSSE)
- Chinese Institute of Industrial Engineers (CIIE)
- The Chinese Institute of Environmental Engineering (CIEE)
- Chung-Hwa Nuclear Society (CHNS)
- Taiwan Photonic Society
- Chinese Institute of Transportation (CIT)
- Architectural Institute of Taiwan
- The Corrosion Engineering of the Republic of China
- Chinese Society of Structural Engineering (CSSE)
- Taiwanese Society of Biomedical Engineering
- Chinese Society of Pavement Engineering
- Taiwan Geotechnical Society (TGS)
- IEEE Taipei Section
- Materials Research Society Taiwan
- The Taiwan Society of Ocean Engineering
- The Taiwan Concrete Institute
- Taiwan Association for Aerosol Research
- Value Management Institute of Taiwan
- Rail Engineering Society of Taiwan (RESOT)
- Chinese Water Resources Management Societ
- Chinese Society of Photogrammetry & Remote Sensing
- Institute of Engineering Education in Taiwan (IEET)
- Taiwan Institute of Urban Planning
- The Society of Taiwan Women in Science and Technology (TWiST)
- Taiwan Group on Earth Observations
- Project Management Institute, Taipei, Taiwan
- Geological Society Located in Taipei