Introduction & History
The Chinese Institute of Engineers (CIE), a non-profit entity, is one of the oldest-established and largest multimodal professional organizations in Taiwan. CIE currently consists of around 18,000 members from a variety of engineering disciplines across industry, the public sector, relevant organizations and academic institutions in Taiwan, R.O.C.
CIE, with significant influence in Chinese engineering community, aims to bring together engineers from different disciplines to promote the interests of the engineering profession. CIE is also responsible for advancing engineering technology and techniques through sharing experiences, collecting information, defining standards and developing solutions for both our members and the government.
CIE is dedicated to maintaining close links with professional engineering organizations across Taiwan. This Institute also represents Taiwan, R.O.C. in the World Federation of Engineering Organizations (WFEO) in promoting goodwill and fellowship among all engineers around the world.
In 1912, some leading Chinese engineers, recognizing the importance of combining the concerted efforts to develop our country and build the future, joined together and formed the Chinese Institute of Engineers as a pioneer institute in Kuang Chou, China.
The Institute grew steadily over the next two decades until the outbreak of the Sino-Japanese War, which led to the suspension of the institute affairs. In October 1938, the General Assembly of CIE revived in Chungking, China and then moved to Taipei, Taiwan in March 1951.
Since then, the Institute has thrived and played a major role in national development and promoting the prosperity of Taiwan’s economy and society.