Be a game-changer, recreate and innovate!
Showcase what you have and present your out of the box solutions addressing pressing issues in your community and country.
Showcase what you have and present your out of the box solutions addressing pressing issues in your community and country.
It's your time to shine and be part of the Youth Talent Innovation Competition in the beautiful city of Taipei, Taiwan.
【Competition goals and benefits.競賽目標與效益】
1. To inspire young engineers thinking of sustainable development through the United Nations sustainable development indicators.
2. To foster visions of next generation engineers through thinking beyond regional limit, and to provide an international platform to show their creativity.
【Competition theme.競賽主題】
1. Meet any 9 out of the 17 sustainable development goals (SDGs) of the United Nations (4. Quality education, 6. Clean water and sanitation, 7. Affordable clean energy, 8. Decent work and economic growth, 9. Industry, innovation and infrastructure, 11. Sustainable cities and communities, 12. Responsible consumption and production, 13. Climate action, 15. Life on land).
2. Proposals must present creative solution (s) to current real world problems.
1.符合聯合國17項永續發展目標(SDGs)中的9項(4.優質教育、6.淨水與衛生、7.可負擔的潔淨能源、8.就業與經濟成長 、9.工業化、創新與基礎建設、11.永續城鎮與社區、12.責任消費與生產、13.氣候行動、15.陸域生態)。
Competition registration until 2023/10/15 23:59
即日起至2023/10/15 23:59 (GMT+8) 止
FEIAP-Youth Talent Development Working Group(YTDWG)
02-26961555#2339 翁小姐